I come to the page with a trail of professional and creative writing projects in my wake. The pro part includes public relations for mostly non-profit businesses: Health care organizations of all kinds and sizes (think acute care, physical rehabilitation, long term care, hospice), and a variety of EQ-based solopreneurs, including a customer care maven, a massage therapist, a shaman/curandera

You get the idea. Helpers, healers, holistic souls.

I won a couple of awards for my collaboration in some acute care marketing projects, and a couple for a column and an article I wrote as the Healthcare Editor for a New Jersey small press publication.

My writing life in the official work world was definitively thrown off track by years and years of family health crises (I was the caregiver at the hub - did I hear someone say, "codependent...?"), coupled with ADHD that wasn't diagnosed until recently. Like...in my fifties. Which is being addressed, and explains...a lot.

Through everything, I never stopped writing. I started when I learned to put words together, and I don't think anything could ever keep me from the page - could ever stop me from making ink marks and key strokes.

I've had some random works published here and there - a poem in an anthology called, "Womankind;" some poetry in a collection of erotic lit; a limerick in the metro section of the New York Times. I was the Editor-in-Chief of the fabulous, and sadly short-lived, small press publication Shakespeare's Monkey Revue. Later I'd realize how out of my depth I had been, but I'd learned a ton, and met some extraordinary people who profoundly inspired me.

I've always been the official family and friend letter writer, which is not something I ever see any writer mention, but my track record is very impressive. Annulment narrative (editing the applicant's narrative, and submitting my own tome of experiences and observations): Success!

Complicated legal issue centered around one state's Motor Vehicles Department error, another state's judicial system, and a newspaper reporting the inaccuracies therein as facts? Success!

You get the idea. I'm an excellent listener, a keen parser, and a lover of seeking and finding words that best fit intentions.

As I step further into very new ways of being and doing in the world (widowed, with a practically empty nest), leaving some long-term harrowing situations behind me, I've decided it's time to do some sifting, and to create some new goals, for myself. Here on Medium I'll be sharing some things that are "old," shined up for what I hope will be your reading pleasure, along with new writing, of course.

When you stop by here and read one of my contributions to our collective dives into humanity, and experience how I've played with the bendy boundaries of language, I hope there will be thoughts or turns of phrase that will add to the magic of your day.


I welcome your support through claps, comments, and, “Buy Me a Coffee:” https://www.buymeacoffee.com/traceyparadiso

Much gratitude to you!

Medium member since September 2022
Tracey Paradiso

Tracey Paradiso

Words are my lifeblood. Curiosity is my jam. Writing is real world magic on this side of the soil, and a spell for legacy when the body re-loams. Evercasting.